News in 2012

Customer Service FAQs: Florida ELT

for Auto Dealers and Financial on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 by Brittany Barrett

Q: Is the new ELT process mandatory?

A: Yes. The Florida lien and title process is changing to an electronic (online) format. This will be the only way to satisfy the ELT process.

Q: How can I add ELT access to my ADD account?

A: If you already have an ADD account, you can add ELT access at no additional sign up cost! You’ll simply need to complete the required DHSMV forms and mail the originals to ADD. Upon receiving the required forms, ADD will assign your company an ELT number.

Q: Can I fax my application to the ADD office to get quicker access?

A: The DHSMV requires you to mail the original signed documents to our office in order to be assigned an ELT number.

Q: How will my lien and title process change with the new ELT system?

A: The new ELT process will begin after the dealer transaction is complete.

  • First, you will be assigned an ELT number by the DHSMV. This number will then be included on Title Applications instead of the Lienholder information.
  • After the lien has been processed by the Tax Collector and DMV, ADD will add the lien to your company’s account in an ELT manifest (similar to ADDTag’s TempTag Archive) and notify you that the lien has been recorded.
  • Once the lien has been satisfied, you will pull up the lien in your manifest, and electronically notify the DMV that the lien has been satisfied.
  • While a printed paper title will not be issued automatically, ADD customers will be able to order a paper title through their account, but be advised- once a paper title is printed, it can never be an electronic title again. Meaning, if a paper title is ordered before the lien is satisfied, you will not be able to request another e-title for the same vehicle.

Q: Can I still get a paper title?

A: Yes, you will have the option to request a paper title through the ADD’s ELT system for the state fee of $2.50.

Q: Will ADD offer any online ELT training sessions?

A: Absolutely. Web-based tutorials will be available shortly after the new ELT tab is ready to launch on our system. We’ll keep you informed up-to-the- minute on both our launch date and training opportunities as more details are available.

Read more ELT FAQs.